
Buyer’s Guide: Ski & Snowboard Goggles (for your Prescription Lens Adapters)

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Skiing, snowboarding, and other winter sports can be enormous fun, but it is important to remember that they come with their fair share of hazards. For example, both skiers and snowboarders can expect to encounter snow, branches, and other things that can obstruct their vision, which can be extremely dangerous if they are moving about at high speeds. Similarly, higher altitudes are exposed to higher levels of UV light, which can cause cataracts to form in the eyes as well as other eye-related problems with prolonged exposure.

Fortunately, if you like skiing and snowboarding, you have a simple solution in the form of ski and snowboard goggles. You need to make sure that you choose the right pair of goggles because the sheer variety out there means that some will be better-suited to you than others.

Factors in Choosing the Right Goggles for Your Winter Adventures
Be sure to consider these factors when choosing a pair of goggles for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter sports:


First and foremost, you need to make sure that the frame of your goggles is a good fit for your face, meaning that they should be neither too tight nor too loose. Instead, they should achieve a careful balance between the two extremes that is best described as being comfortable. Please note that some skiers and snowboarders like over-sized goggles because they provide a bigger field of vision, which is useful for seeing potential hazards that are not right in front of them.


The design of the goggles can have an enormous effect on their performance. For example, some lenses are curved both vertically and horizontally, which enable them to provide less glare and less distortion compared to cheaper counterparts that are only curved horizontally. Similarly, some goggles come with bigger vents, which provide better airflow at the cost of increased exposure to the cold. In the end, you should choose a design optimized for the conditions that you can expect to encounter, while also taking its stylishness into account.


There are a number of issues that need to be considered when choosing a lens. First, choose a color that is suitable for the skiing and snowboarding conditions that you expect to encounter. Lighter colors let through more light, making them well-suited to cloudy days. In contrast, darker colors let through less light, making them well-suited to sunny days. One solution is to buy a pair that can change colors (e.g. comes with different color lenses), which makes them well-suited to a much wider range of conditions.

Second, if you wear glasses, you should consider prescription lens inserts over wearing your regular glasses behind OTG (Over-the-Glasses) style goggles as the latter fogs up more easily (i.e. sits closer to the eyes), may be less comfortable and might get lost or damaged. The various ski goggles lens inserts available at GogglesNMore collectively represents a very economical and effective solution for snow lovers who require vision correction.