
The Importance of Wearing Snowboard & Ski Goggles

The Importance of Wearing Snowboard & Ski Goggles

With winter just around the corner, you are probably gearing up to hit the slopes. Did you know that skiing or snowboarding without goggles can increase your risk of snow blindness, injury in case of an accident, and UV damage from exposure? If you've wondered why do we need to wear ski goggles at any point, or if you're even considering the possibility of going without them, then you need to educated yourself on the importance.

Why Wear Snowboarding Goggles or Ski Goggles

Choosing not to wear snowboarding goggles or ski goggles can lead to short-term and long-term damage to your eyes. Because of the exposure to extreme cold, wind, and glare, your eyes may suffer from vision impairment or dry eye while skiing. Dry eyes can cause blurring, redness, and itchiness. In the worst-case scenario, you could become snow-blind while on your way down the hill and crash from being unable to see clearly.

Snowboarding & Ski Goggles

Benefits of Ski Goggles & Snowboarding Goggles

Snowboarding goggles or ski goggles are the perfect way to protect your eyes in case of a fall or impact, but that’s not all. Wearing snowboard goggles can help to prevent snow blindness, eliminate glare, and make it easier to see the trail ahead of you. Polarized ski lenses are the best for giving you clear vision and eliminating harsh glare like the kind you see on snowy hills.

Snowboarding Goggles & Ski Goggles Protect Eyes

Snowboarding goggles protect your eyes in many ways. First, they offer physical protection from wind, cold, and debris, which will help your eyes stay moist and clear all day long. Second, they offer glare reduction, especially with polarized lenses, which eliminate harsh glare and blinding glare from surfaces like snow banks and slopes. Reducing glare helps you see the trail more clearly, preventing wrecks and injury. Lastly, if you get prescription ski goggles, they will help you to see clearly and provide all the protection your eyes need while enjoying the slopes.

Which Ski and Snowboard Goggles are Best?

Snowledge ski goggles are some of the best on the market because they are strong, durable, and affordable. You’ll find sizes to fit all heads, including children’s sizes ranging from infants/2-years-old all the way to adult sizes. Additionally, there are tons of lens colors and features to choose from, which will help you create a look that not only protects your eyes but makes you feel and look great!

Snowledge goggles are lightweight and feature an anti-fog lens and ventilation to prevent further fogging. These great ski goggles offer UV400 protection to eliminate many types of glare and prevent UV damage.

Snowboarding & Ski Goggles

Prescription Ski Goggles For Kids and Adults

If you love to go skiing or snowboarding, getting custom-made prescription goggle inserts for your goggles are essential for your health and safety. Although you could wear your normal prescription glasses or contacts underneath goggles, it's not as comfortable and it can lead to more stress.

Whether you’re looking for ski goggles or snowboarding goggles to help reduce the scattered glare from the snow, protect your eyes from the cold, or prevent snow blindness, Snowledge goggles are the way to go. Shop Goggle N More's selection of ski goggles and snowboarding goggles to find the right fit and style for you.

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