
Fishing Trip Packing List

Fishing Trip Packing List

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Fishing Trip Packing List

Fishing is a sport that can be enjoyed all year round. There are necessities to take on fishing trip that makes your trip better and assures a higher possibility of catching the biggest fish. The equipment you take depends on the type of fishing you are planning and season you are going. Because of the many variables in the fishing industry, it can prove to be a challenge preparing for your trip.

Are you the fisher who relies solely on sitting on a bucket bottom, while bating the hook with a red worm or is your equipment more sophisticated? Do you enjoy fishing from a dock, a small hand-made canoe, or prefer a million dollar yacht? Equipment type depends on if you are fishing freshwater or the ocean. No matter what your fishing plans are or for how long you plan on fishing, from a few hours to several days, there is basic and necessary equipment list you need consider. The type of fish you are fishing denotes the kind of equipment you choose. There are countless ways to fish because there are various types of fish. Necessary equipment relies on the kind of fish you are catching and the weather conditions you fish. Are you spending a beautiful summer’s day of fishing on a peaceful lake or is your day of fishing going to be in -20-degree weather on a snowy frozen lake. The following lists some basic but necessary equipment essential to a successful day of fly, deep water, freshwater saltwater, shore, ice, canoe, paddleboard, or rock fishing. No matter where you fish, your eyes are a target for the sun's damaging rays, so you need to protect them at all cost.

Basic and Vital Fishing Gear

  • Polarized sunglasses
  • A Fishing License and Regulations of the state you are fishing. Fishing regulations vary from state to state.
  • Passport and birth certificate (outside the USA)
  • Can you get by with a bologna sandwich, a few snacks, and a couple of bottles of water, or do you need a big supply of food, snacks, water, and a simple water purification system?
  • Fish rods and reel, tackle box, fishing line, bait, hooks, sinkers, swivel, corks
  • Waterproof bag to carry a wallet, important papers, and cell phone protection
  • Slip-proof shoes
  • Maps
  • Sunscreen
  • Sharp knife
  • Biodegradable toilet tissue
  • Bug spray
  • First aid kit
  • Small waterproof camera
  • Instruments to remove hooks such as nail clippers, small pliers and lanyard to keep these together
  • A backpack

Protect your Eyes and Eye Lids from the Sun's Harmful Radiation

We cannot stress enough the need for the right kind of sunglasses or goggles because this is so vital to the health of your eyes and face. One of the very most important items you need to take is a pair of polarized sunglasses which we have available with prescription lenses, for adults and teens 15 years +. No matter where you are on the water or snow your eyes need strict and immediate attention and care through the use of the right sunglasses or goggles. We have available in our online store a large selection of frames with,

  • Adjustable Straps
  • Removable Climate Guard
  • Float-able Frames
  • Helmet-Friendly Design
  • Interchangeable Photochromic and Polarized Lenses
  • Detachable Activity Guard
  • Revo Lenses

These vital sunglasses and goggles are available in prescription types and are necessary for keeping your eyes safe from harmful ultraviolet rays (radiation) from the sun. Sun shining on water or snow can quickly damage your eyes and eyelids. Wearing the right glasses increases your visibility and acuteness. It is a proven fact that polarized fishing sunglasses improve visibility with a vertical transmission axis blocking the sun's reflection off water and snow. These glasses prevent the sun's reflection from blinding you. An added benefit of polarized lenses is that you can see deeper into the water to keep an eye on your fish. You get UV400 protection from ultraviolet rays. Never risk skin cancer by being out in the sun without protection. You put your eyelids and eyes at increased risk without the right glasses. Ultraviolet rays are a known cause for basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma. Before you go on your next fishing venture, invest in one of the most critical pieces of equipment, polarized sunglasses or goggles available in prescription strength from our online store. We can customize your prescription glasses according to your exact needs such as progressive, bifocal, single vision, astigmatism, or prisms lenses. Our team of seasoned professionals including our expert Optometrists and Technicians brings you the quality you deserve to keep your eyes and eyelids safe on your next fishing trip. Our goal is to deliver to you outstanding value, newest innovations, superb customer service, and quality eye care products at affordable prices. Never risk the health of your eyes again.

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